
Relational and logical operators

Relational operators compare values and are often used when defining new variables and subsets of datasets. Here are the common relational operators in R:

Function Operator Example Example Result
Equal to == "A" == "a" FALSE (because R is case sensitive) Note that == (double equals) is different from = (single equals), which acts like the assignment operator <-
Not equal to != 2 != 0 TRUE
Greater than > 4 > 2 TRUE
Less than < 4 < 2 FALSE
Greater than or equal to >= 6 >= 4 TRUE
Less than or equal to <= 6 <= 4 FALSE
Value is missing is.na() is.na(7) FALSE (see section on missing values)
Value is not missing !is.na() !is.na(7) TRUE

Logical operators, such as AND and OR, are often used to connect relational operators and create more complicated criteria. Complex statements might require parentheses ( ) for grouping and order of application.

Function Operator
OR | (vertical bar)
Parentheses ( ) Used to group criteria together and clarify order

For example, below, we have a linelist with two variables we want to use to create our case definition, hep_e_rdt, a test result and other_cases_in_hh, which will tell us if there are other cases in the household. The command below uses the function case_when() to create the new variable case_def such that:

linelist_cleaned <- linelist_cleaned %>%
  mutate(case_def = case_when(
    is.na(hep_e_rdt) & is.na(other_cases_in_hh)           ~ NA_character_,
    hep_e_rdt == "Positive"                               ~ "Confirmed",
    hep_e_rdt != "Positive" & other_cases_in_hh == "Yes"  ~ "Probable",
    TRUE                                                  ~ "Suspected"
Criteria in example above Resulting value in new variable “case_def”
If the value for variables hep_e_rdt and other_cases_in_hh are missing NA (missing)
If the value in hep_e_rdt is “Positive” “Confirmed”
If the value in hep_e_rdt is NOT “Positive” AND the value in other_cases_in_hh is “Yes” “Probable”
If one of the above criteria are not met “Suspected”

Note that R is case-sensitive, so “Positive” is different than “positive”…

Missing Values

In R, missing values are represented by the special value NA (capital letters N and A - not in quotation marks). If you import data that records missing data in another way (e.g. 99, “Missing”, or .), you may want to re-code those values to NA.

To test whether a value is NA, use the special function is.na(), which returns TRUE or FALSE.

rdt_result <- c("Positive", "Suspected", "Positive", NA)   # two positive cases, one suspected, and one unknown
is.na(rdt_result)  # Tests whether the value of rdt_result is NA

Mathematical operators

Mathematical operators are often used to perform addition, division, to create new columns, etc. Below are common mathematical operators in R. Whether you put spaces around the operators is not important.

Objective Example in R
addition 2 + 3
subtraction 2 - 3
multiplication 2 * 3
division 30 / 5
exponent 2^3
order of operations ( )